Want a New Way to Reward Your Buyers and Increase Sales ? B4REAL Is Here to Help!
B4REAL leverages blockchain technology so that you can deliver value above and beyond others in your industry.

Welcome to B4REAL
The platform that is changing the way real estate professionals work with digital assets. If you’re looking to sell more property faster and take advantage of novel opportunities, you’re in the right place.
Would you consider yourself a modern and leading real estate professional?
Have you looked at the world of crypto and Web3 and seen opportunities but not known how to capitalise on them?
Are you wanting a simple way to sell more stock, grow positive sentiment towards your brand and incentivise buyers to take action now?
At B4REAL, we understand how challenging it can be to navigate new technology and also remain relevant in a competitive market.
That’s why we’ve developed unique solutions to help agents and developers sell more stock whilst delivering increased value to clients.
You’re in good hands with B4REAL.
With almost 30 years of experience in real estate brokerage and an average of $1B in brokered deals per annum via our sister companies…
… our team brings unparalleled expertise and strategic vision to our property purchases so that you don’t just stand to make rental yields but also capital gains as real estate prices grow.
Beyond giving you an innovative and modern system for accelerating purchases, we can also assist you in reaching a new audience of potential buyers via our unique marketing channels.
How B4REAL Works For You
B4REAL helps you take advantage of web3 technology so you can incentivize buyers, sell more properties, and gain positional power in an exciting emerging market.
The B4REAL staking protocol presents a unique opportunity to deliver a Web3-based incentive model that drives new sales.
Our Black Tie Service Hub helps you to confidently announce that you work with crypto – as we take care of funds management, escrow of crypto, compliance (AML/CTF), remittance, and conversion to AUD.
Not to mention, if you’re an agent looking to step right into the future, there will also be opportunities to help clients purchase stakes in tokenised real estate offerings.

How Can B4RE Tokens Help You?
As a B4RE holder, you’ll have access to a range of exclusive benefits that can will help you sell more stock, incentivise buyers, and position yourself as a modern leader in the real estate market.
With our proprietary staking system, you can purchase B4RE and stake it in our protocol to generate a stable 30% to 50% yield in the form of B4RC.
Earned B4RC tokens can then be gifted to buyers in your pipeline, valued at $1 AUD, and accepted as part of the payment on a property. This innovative model allows you to accelerate buyers being finance-approved and purchase-ready as B4RC can go towards their deposit, giving you an edge in the market.
For holding as little as $500 AUD of B4RE tokens, you will be able to access our growing database of motivated buyers and advertise directly to them.
This allows you to tap into a non-traditional stream of buyers that you can’t reach via traditional marketing methods.
We are the only pathway to finance that already has all policies and procedures in place to approve buyers who are coming from unique incentive models.
This means that as you accelerate your sales cycles with the B4REAL Web3-based incentive model, you also are able to seamlessly enable buyers to have finance approved and ready for settlement.
As a B4RE holder, you'll have access to sell not only the properties available through B4REAL and our partners but also sell our tokenised property portfolios for additional commissions.
This means you get exclusive access to new listings without any additional work and also will uniquely be able to position yourself as a leader in the new world of tokenised property portfolios - whilst making great commissions.
Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity – get your hands on B4RE today and book in for a conversation about how to best use B4REAL in your business!
Are you ready to accelerate sales cycles and establish yourself as a modern leader?
Purchase some B4RE tokens so that you get all the benefits mentioned above (As little as $500 AUD worth of tokens unlocks big savings) ✅
Next, head over to our staking page so you can stake your B4RE and start using our innovative Web3-based incentive model with earned B4RC tokens ✌🏽
As your yields grow daily, use them to incentivise buyers to take action now 🙌🏽
Utilise our modern finance solutions to have these buyers pre-approved and ready for settlement! 🏡